Light Nights parkrun Handicap League
The league comprises of five runs between April and August.
The runs take place at West Park, Goole, on the first Wednesday of the month, where we run the Goole parkrun 5K route, except for in August when it takes place on the second Wednesday of the month.
Points are awarded to participants based on their handicap time, which is set during the first run in April (for anyone who can’t attend in April, their best parkrun time of the current year is used).
Participants will receive a final score based on their best two times over the four runs between May and August. As this is a handicap league, it means that the fastest person won’t necessarily win, so it's worth everyone coming and trying to improve their times!
2024 Dates
Wednesday 3rd April
Wednesday 1st May
Wednesday 5th June
Wednesday 3rd July
Wednesday 14th August
(please note, Wednesday is our usual club night, so on these days there is no club run from Westfield Banks)
You don't have to be a member of Goole Viking Striders to take part in the league, so anybody is welcome to join at any time!
We meet at West Park at 18:30 with the aim of setting off at 18:45.